Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Can Ride Like the Wind Blows...

To really see the humor in this story you have to know my stepfather. Dan is not a big guy and he always seems to take offense when you point it out. Keep that little tidbit in mind as our story unfolds…

Dana and I went back to work Monday morning and dropped Dan off at the train station so that he could catch the 6:15 am train back to the hospital after spending his first night at home since my mom was admitted to HUP. We were running a bit late and Dan had to make a run for the departing train carrying his overnight bag.

Later on that day, Dana and I walked into my mom’s room to find her asleep and Dan perched in the armchair by her bed watching CNN on the tiny TV that was costing us $8 a day. He smiled when he saw us and said “Boy, that was a close one this morning, wasn’t it?” We agreed and started to talk about the train ride. Dan never goes anywhere without making a new friend, he’ll talk to just about anyone. Dana and I knew that he would have a story for us, and he certainly didn’t let us down.

“Some woman on the train this morning asked me if I was a jockey, do you think it was because I was carrying a duffel bag?” Dan asked, looking perplexed. Dana laughed and made a squishing gesture with her hands and said “No, it’s ‘cuz you small” I agreed with Dana as I started to laugh and we went on to tell Dan about how jockey’s are always little, short guys and that is most likely why the woman made the comparison.

“Hey, she was makin’ fun of me!” Dan said, clearly indignant now

“She figured you could ride like the wind blows.” I said and this got Dana laughing harder. I in turn started laughing and then the stupid cold I have took over and I ended up with a horrible barking cough in the middle of my laughter. Dan was clearly annoyed by this time and made some excuse for having to leave the room although we knew he just wanted to escape our braying laughter.

As he cleared the doorway into the hall I saw my mom’s head peek up over the bed rail, her face bright with laughter, “Definitely a burr under his saddle”

The laughter went on…

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