Thursday, March 4, 2010

HUP pups...

Dana and Chris brought my mom’s yellow lab 1-year old pups, Woodrow and Wilson, to the hospital for a visit. The boys had to wait in the parking garage while Chris brought my mom down in a wheelchair. As she wheeled by with my mom all the nurses were smiling and asking if the puppies were here for their visit, mom had told everyone. Dana said later she wasn’t sure who was more excited, mom or the dogs and Chris said she turned her back to my mom’s bed to put the brakes on the wheelchair and my mom grabbed onto her and pulled herself out of bed!
As soon as the boys saw her the “wiggle worm” dance commenced, they wagged their entire bodies not just tails. They licked her face and hand and danced around her, they missed her. My mom smiled and all was right with the world for those moments.

After my mom returned to her room the nausea took over and she spent the next 30 minutes vomiting. She said it was worth it and I believe she meant it. For us, it was a harsh, painful reminder of her illness and a warning of the fight we have on our hands. It is a tough reality to live with but the only other option would be to quit and we just aren’t built that way.

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